Discovering fantastic
SABORES SILVESTRES has made field trips since 2018, with the aim of identifying new ingredients, linking producers from indigenous communities in remote areas of Bolivia with gourmet restaurants, and drawing attention to the extraordinary biological and cultural diversity existing in Bolivia. These trips generated massive attention from the international press and crucially created or consolidated business ties between producers from the indigenous communities and the restaurants.
We will identify ingredients with gastronomic potential through interdisciplinary field trips to the nine departments of Bolivia, and we will carry out research and associated cultural, biological and gastronomic documentation for each ingredient, whilst highlighting the biodiversity conservation value of protected areas.
Agua Blanca, Marka Cololo Copacabana Antaquilla
Our first Sabores Silvestres destination was the Agua Blanca community of the Marka Cololo Copacabana Antaquilla Indigenous Territory, where we were able to discover fascinating products such as Kaya and Kawi derived from the Andean tuber known as Oca. Learn more in our Sabores Silvestres documentary.
Chari community, land of Kallawayas
Our second stop was at the Chari community in Charazani, mystical land of the Kallawayas. Here, we learnt more about the ancestral traditional Kallawaya medicine and explored the production of Andean herbs and tubers. Gustu chefs cooked with the families of the region.
Como resultado, Gustu Gastronomía diseñó un menú de degustación inspirado en y con una mayoría de estos ingredientes, que dio como resultado relaciones comerciales con los pueblos Pukina y Kallawaya para dos tubérculos: oca y papalisa.
Lecos of Apolo
The Lecos of Apolo supply Amazonian yams, beetle larvae, queen leaf-cutter ants, native bee honey, and cassava flower buds, improving economic opportunities for indigenous families who are now organizing supply chains to meet demand.
Coffee and Chocolate in the Yungas of La Paz
También visitamos proveedores con productos más consolidados: el único café amigable para las aves en Bolivia y el chocolate silvestre de la gente de Leco de Larecaja; y el acceso a ambos productos ahora se formaliza a través de relaciones comerciales a largo plazo con restaurantes en La Paz y Bolivia.
Tacana Indigenous Territory (TCO)
We visited the people of the Tacana Indigenous Territory who are legally authorized to sustainably harvest spectacled caimans, and now supply meat to supermarkets and restaurants. The trip also resulted in a new supply chain to provide two restaurants with the giant invasive fish known as arapaima or paiche, thereby benefiting 15 families and increasing their income almost fourfold.
The Sabores Silvestres team were joined by national and international press to travel to Madidi National Park, to experience the formidable nature of the world's most biologically diverse protected area and the vital environmental services it provides.
Pilón Lajas Biosphere Reserve
The Tsimane-Moseten indigenous people revealed their scented soaps and quality essential oils, harnessing real interest from restaurants and boutique hotels in La Paz who are committed to responsible consumption, which represents a market opportunity for women in these remote communities.
Tititiaca Lake
(soon more information)
Padilla, Chuiquisaca
(soon more information)
ANMIN El Palmar
(soon more information)